What is an smart greenhouse ?
A smart greenhouse is a high-tech greenhouse that has the ability to control the environmental variables that affect crop development.
It incorporates various sensors, technologies and control equipment to obtain accurate information and manage irrigation, climate and temperature parameters in an automated way.
The equipment and sensors are connected to a central computer that collects the real-time variations of the different climatic parameters, compares them with the initially programmed values, coordinates the actions, and sends the orders to the different sectors.
Advantages of automating your greenhouse
Incorporating automation technologies to your greenhouse is essential to efficiently control the indoor environment and achieve greater profitability in your business. With an automated greenhouse you will achieve:
What technology does an intelligent greenhouse incorporate?
There are numerous automation systems that can be used to achieve an intelligent greenhouse.
The greenhouses installed by Novagric can be equipped with irrigation and climate technologies to control the environmental parameters, as well as cultivation accessories and water disinfection plants to achieve good productive developments.